General News

The Radio Officers’ Association (ROA) was formed in 1995 as a membership organisation with two principal aims:

  • to seek out, honour and preserve the distinguished history of marine radio.
  • to provide former radio officers with the means to share their experiences.

Membership of the ROA is reserved for those who have served as radio officers in a merchant navy, coast radio stations and civil aviation and is not restricted to UK nationals.  Exceptionally, membership can be granted to those who have made a contribution to the industry in other ways.

The commercial exploitation of wireless at sea about 1900 revolutionised ship-shore communications and much improved safety of life at sea.  From then until the end of the twentieth century ship-shore communication in the merchant fleets of the world was in the hands of specialist Radio Officers.  Over time the industry turned to the Radio Officer for the maintenance of navigation aids and engine room electronics as well as the management of the communications systems.

Follow this link HERE for more details