Frank –
Here is an email from the IMO, which we intend to visit on the 20th May, giving details of its World Maritime Day and how we can help.
I am asking Tom to put this on our website as well, as it will take place in London – maybe we can help in some way or even allow the RFA to take part??
Anyway I would be grateful if this could be put on the website.
Yours aye
“The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of pollution by ships. Every year since 1978, IMO celebrates World Maritime Day (WMD) during the last week in September. The Day is used to focus attention on the importance of shipping safety, maritime security and the marine environment and to emphasize a particular aspect of IMO’s work. Every year, a different theme is chosen and an action plan developed for its promotion. The theme selected for 2015 World Maritime Day is “Maritime education and training”.
Ships carry more than 90% of world trade, and maritime professionals provide a vital service to an industry which significantly contributes to sustainable development and global prosperity. Therefore, with this year’s theme we would like to raise awareness about maritime education and training and their diverse career opportunities. To this end, IMO is inviting individuals/academic institutions to organize an activity to highlight the theme. This could be a conference, a workshop, an event with children or young students, etc. Ideally, it would take place between 21 and 24 September 2015, or in the immediate preceding weeks, so as to build up momentum for WMD, which this year will be celebrated on 24 September 2015.
You can inform IMO about your event by using social media or by sending an e-mail to”