General News

Did you serve in and RFA during the Korean War?

If you did you may be eligible for the Korean “Ambassador for Peace Medal”.

I came upon this by chance a couple of weeks ago and did a little investigation. I also emailed the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, they replied thus:-

Dear Captain Thompson,

 Thank you for the emails to the Embassy of the Republic of Korea.

 I am replying your email on 20th July in regard to the Ambassador for Peace Medal.

 The medal is eligible for the Korean War Veterans who fought during the Korean War between 1950 -1956, including peace keepers.

 So basically it will be issued to the ex-British servicemen who were involved with the Korean War regardless of service period.

 I have attached the medal application form. If you could fill in the form and send it to me by post, I will procede them accordingly.

Further investigations have revealed that the following RFA’s were involved in Task Group 96.8, the UK’s Naval contribution:-

AbbeydaleFort Charlotte
EchodaleFort Langley
EaglesdaleFort Sandusky
BircholFort Rosalie
Brown Ranger
Green Ranger
Wave Chief
Wave Conqueror
Wave Knight
Wave Laird
Wave Monarch
Wave Premier
Wave Prince
Wave Regent
Wave Sovereign

The RFA Association has no way of “Officially” verifying an application but you can download the application form at the bottom of this page. You will, of course need to offer some evidence to support your claim, I would suggest copies of your Discharge Book, personal details and photograph page and the pages showing your service in the appropriate ship. If you have any questions or problems please get back to me ( korea@rfaa.uk or on 01833 640045)

The address to send your application and supporting documentation to is :-

The Defence Office

Embassy of the Republic of Korea

60 Buckingham Gate

London SW1E 6AJ

Tel: 020 7227 5500 ext.635

A copy to me would be handy in the event there are queries and further supporting evidence is requested by the Republic of Korea’s Embassy.

There were 4 Fort Boats (Stores Ship’s) involved so there must have been Stonnery involved. No doubt that has pitfalls as verification of their service is probably and potentially problematic, but if you were there you are entitled and we will need to have this sorted out.

Download the application form here:-Ambassador for Peace (16.46 kB)


PS Watch for the Sitreps!