General News

AGM and Constitution

The trustees continue to monitor Government advice on self isolation and travel during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.  Whilst the AGM and reunion in mid May looks to be increasingly unlikely, Government advice does not yet project that far ahead and so we are not yet calling off the events. When it is clear that the Government travel and meeting number restrictions extend to mid May we will be able to use this in negotiation with the hotel to explore whatever options may be open to us.

Regarding the Constitution, we have received very useful documents from Rex Cooper from the creation of the RFAA as a charity and have further explored Charity Commission views on Charity Objects.  It is clear that the commission favour the use of the word ‘efficiency’ in military associated charities Objects.  Further they provide advice on how ‘efficiency’ may be delivered and this includes:

  • providing memorials to commemorate the fallen or victories
  • researching the military history of units and publishing books about it
  • maintaining a collection of artefacts connected with units
  • encouraging esprit de corps
  • providing associations which enable serving and former members to mix together
  • encouraging recruitment to the service (e.g. by exhibitions)

As we undertake much of this the trustees have agreed to retain the current ‘Objects’ and cancel the proposed amendments in the 2020 version. All other amendments proposed remain unchanged.  If you have already voted by post and as a result of this you wish to change your vote you can write to or email Tony Pitt at tony.pitt@blueyonder.co.uk to inform him.  Changes will only be accepted to your vote on the Constitution changes and must be in writing, so phone is not acceptable.

We will keep you updated on the future of the AGM and Reunion.

Ray Bennett

RFAA Chair