
Solent Newsletter                                                                                   Autumn 2012

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Salisbury as I look out over our garden where growth has gone berserk following the recent sunshine after a wet old summer (again!). Wet it may have been but it didn’t wash out our Summer Banyan in Rev Reg’s Winchester garden back in July. The rain threat was never far off, but some substantial tentage kindly loaned by Bro John of St Cross left the organisers with a comfortable glow! Turn-out was a little down on earlier years but a good time was had by all. Maggie Feist won the Champers for best jubilee attire, and as usual your generosity at the raffle meant we raised some money for the Association. Our thanks to Reg and the Brothers at St Cross, and we are going to donate a pear tree for the Brothers Garden.


The Summer Cruise brought together 33 of us on a bright but blustery day in August for a pleasurable meander around the waters of the Solent, the Beaulieu River and Portsmouth Harbour, with Silverfox in hot pursuit! A re-run is on the cards.

Our Branch AGM on 12 September saw 16 voting members attend (almost matched by the 15 aplogies received!). Nonetheless, it was a sufficient turn-out to execute our annual bit of business, to re-elect the (now ageing) committee, and to confirm the wish to continue with our now well-established programme of social gatherings around the patch. The outline of events into next year is as follows :

2012   17 Oct  Social Lunch at The Cormorant, Porchester, from 1200

11 Nov   Remembrance Sunday. Wreath laying at Marchwood. No ship.

Lunch arrangements will be emailed and on the RFAA Website.

12 Dec   Christmas Lunch at Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth.

2013   30 Jan TBC Social Lunch. The Ship Anson, Portsmouth.

13 Mar   Social Lunch. The Ship, Swanwick TBC

25 May   RFA Reunion and AGM, at the Union Jack Club London

10 Jul      Summer Banyan at Emsworth (hosts: Stuart & Margaret Pearce).

4 Sept     Pre-AGM Committee Meeting

11 Sept   Solent Branch AGM – Venue TBC

16 Oct     Social Lunch.   Maypole Inn, Hayling Island TBC

10 Nov   Remembrance Sunday. Wreath-laying at Marchwood & lunch.

11 Dec   Christmas Lunch – Venue TBC.

We forwarded a cheque to RFAA for £300. The AGM concluded with an excellent lunch and the raffle raised £111. Thank you, as always for your generosity and to Maureen & Alan for all the work which has gone on behind the scenes in support.

Our next gathering is the lunch at Porchester on 17 October and the menu is out there.  Following that is Remembrance Sunday on 11 November; no ship is available this year but we will advertise lunch arrangements when known by email (or phone Alan nearer the time). Please let Alan know (02392 510 842) your intentions in good time to help our planning.

The RFAA Website is now at and Pat Thompson is working hard to rebuild it following the disastrous loss of the last one. You can find local info under Solent Branch in the Main Menu.

I have recently heard from a member who feels we are not doing enough for him; if you have any complaints please make sure I know about them. All constructive criticism and new ideas are welcomed, and do, please, let Jack the Almoner know (01489 573 117) if you are in need, or know of another member who is. We can only assist when we have the knowledge.   Many thanks and best wishes to all,

