General News

Sick of Standing By Your Beds waiting for Gunline, thought you might be, so Doctor Pat has just the cure to take the weight off those corns and verruccae, ease the fallen arches and the flapping of your wynceyette pyjamas around the nether regions in your draughty bedroom as you wait for the postman.

Force 4, Christmas 2013 Edition, complete with Colour Supplement (in glorious monochrome) hit the streets this morning and all RFAA members who have declared an up to date email address should have received their e-copy today (Mon 23 Dec).

If you haven’t received it yet (there was a minor problem with the address list) give the system a day to sort itself out and if you still have not received it drop me a dit on and I will send you a copy. This offer extends only to RFA Association members so please include your name and membership number in the email.

Gunline, well there’s thing. I get numerous “asks” about when the next edition will finally drop onto the doormat it’s nearly 18 months since the last one, and despite the my spies suggesting the imminence I implied in the now infamous “Stand By Your Beds” article on this site a short while ago, quick as a flash NOTHING has happened on that front or even appears to be going to happen so I remain “poised” but I am not holding my breath.