Association News


RFA Reunion 2013


Our London Branch, who were to have hosted the 2013 Reunion has found itself, through illness and change of circumstances unable to continue with the organisation and preparations required. Chairman Frank Andrews in consultation with the Trustees and Branch Chairmen have now taken over the arrangements and have booked The Liner Hotel in Liverpool which worked so well for us in 2009.

So the 2013 RFA Reunion will now be held at the Liner Hotel, Liverpool http://www.theliner.co.uk/ on FRIDAY 24th May 2013 (May Bank Holiday) with prices being the same as in 2009. Please put this date in your diaries and watch the website for sitreps. Have a look HERE for a map

The Liner Hotel offers a high standard of accommodation and bedrooms are available at £85.00 bed and breakfast (single or double occupancy).  The Liner hotel is situated in the heritage part of Liverpool and very close to central shopping areas. There is free parking next to the Hotel for guests overnighting. There are of course numerous other hotels close by for members who wish to find their own accommodation.

It is worth noting this weekend is the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic which is being celebrated and hosted in Liverpool, have a look HERE for some details, (more to follow).  Visiting ships will be open to the public on Saturday 25th and there will be a Service of Remembrance at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral followed by a march and fly past on Sunday 26th.  Along with many other events.  It will be a great weekend to be in Liverpool.