Mike Ainley Writes
This year it will 40 years since we as a CTU first went to sea on Olmeda. We Joined her in a cold, wet and windy Rosyth on the 30th October 1973, Captain Colin Barker was in command .
All the brochures talked about joining the RFA and see the world, enjoy exotic and foreign travel. Well we went to the Cod War ! (A Great time was had by all, I think).
I am now trying to contact all the members of the CTU to arrange a get together in Sept / October this year.
To date I have managed to trace Peter Hill our CTO and 5 of the gang. ( Cliff, Graham, Alwyn, Paul C, Jonathan.)
I still need to trace the following and would be grateful if any one should know the where abouts of the following;
Joseph Patrick Butler (Joe), last reported as working for the Maritime and Coast Guard Agency at Beverly about 20 years ago. He was from Southern Ireland.
Ian John Oliver (John), last heard of as working as an engineer ! in the RFA. (its a long story). He was from Filey in Yorkshire.
Paul Rodgers, no one in the gang has heard of Paul since the late 70’s early 80’s when he left the RFA, there was some talk of him moving to live in Sussex. He was a HMS Conway old boy.
I would be grateful for any info folks may have to help trace them, it does not matter how old the info is as it might give me a lead.
If anybody can help Mike in his search please email me at mob@rfaa.uk and I will put you in touch with him.
Sitrep 1, It’s official MOB rally works, I am informed by Mike Ainley that Ian John Oliver has been located on North Yorkshire