General News

Important stuff first:-

This year’s AGM will be held at the  Liner Hotel, Liverpool at 15:00 on Friday the 24th May 2013, all Association members are encouraged to attend.

By now, all members should have received the mailing detailing this and containing:-

The AGM Calling Notice.

The ballot form which includes changes to the constitution and trustees.

The Reunion Booking Form.

Whats on in Liverpool (Battle of the Atlantic Events)

All these documents can be downloaded here 2013 Mailing (1.5 MB 2013-02-23 09:48:31)

Nota bene, the ballot form included in this PDF is watermarked “SPECIMEN” and is not valid for the election process. If you, as a fully paid up member and therefore eligible to vote, have not received your documentation please email me at and I will send you one out email-post-haste, please ensure you forward your name, address and membership number with your email. PS Would our “Wild Colonial Boys” give the post a few extra days to perculate through before they get grumpy.

The new edition of the RFAA Members Handbook and Year Book.

The PROVISIONAL minutes from AGM 2011 can be downloaded here icon 2012 Soton Minutes (263.66 kB 2012-10-07 10:59:38) They will not become the official minutes unless approved at this year’s AGM

Please watch the website for any updates to Battle of the Atlantic 70 events, I will post them as soon as know about them. So if you you know of any please let me know at  and I will post them.

New Stuff:-

TAR, Accounts and Auditors Report as posted to both the Charities Comission and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator cann be downloaded here TAR Accounts and Audit 2012 (2.75 MB)

And, the Chairman’s Annual Report for 2012 can be downloaded here Chairmans Report 2012 (167.59 kB)

You will, as ever need Adobe Acrobat Readed to view these files and the latest copy can be downloaded free from Adobe HERE