10th June 2013
Dear RFAA Members,
As some of you will know, our National Chairman, Frank Andrews handed over the North West Group baton to me at the recent AGM.Whilst I appreciate that, as the smallest branch, we could never achieve the level of social get-togethers enjoyed by other branches, I would however like to organise a short meeting followed by a luncheon in the Autumn to which guests would be most welcome.
As our NW membership stretches from Cumbria to the Lleyn Peninsula, I feel that Chester would offer the most suitable meeting point being situated on good road and rail links from all directions.
With the agreement of Captain John Sail, Midland Chairman, I am sending this letter to all members living in the North West even if they are not currently assigned to the NW Group. For information, Joe Anderson is proposing to form a new Yorkshire Group and will be contacting interested members shortly.
I would be most grateful if members who would be interested in attending a luncheon could let me know their views on Chester as the venue, a preferred day of the week, etc. I would also suggest a small raffle and perhaps a nominal gangway fee as is common with other branches in order that we could establish funds to cover postage, printing and any other incidentals.
In order that I can make some preliminary enquiries, I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. I would be grateful if you could also let me know if you are not interested in receiving any further NW Group communications.