Sitrep 1 Funeral Timings
Sitrep 2 Correction to Funeral Time and photograph
It is with so much sadness I report that Petty Officer Anthony (Ben) Calcutt RFA(Retd), member 0197, Crossed the Bar on Thursday 11 July 2019 aged 65, after a long battle with illness.
His funeral service followed by interment will take place at 11:30 onThursday 25th July 2019 at Weston Mill Cemetery, Plymouth (HERE for their website and HERE for a Map). Old shipmates and colleagues will be most welcome to attend and will be invited to join the family for refreshments afterwards. If you are hoping to attend it would be helpful to liase with the Funeral Directors (see below) for the catering arrangements. I have also been informed by Richard Walker the 2 Standards will be paraded at the funeral.
The funeral arrangements are being made by Walter C Parsons (HERE for their website and HERE for a Map)
As usual this page will be sitreped as the arrangements are clarified
On behalf of the RFA Association I offer our sincere condolences to all his family.
If you have any remembrances of Ben please email it to me at and I will post them on this page. I am also looking for photographs of Ben for this piece and the RFA Association Gallery and Archive, if you have one please email it to me.