Crossed the Bar

It is with so much sadness that I, very belatedly, report the passing of former First Officer Paul Manning who died on the 4th December 2013 aged just 61. This news came during a chance conversation with Hilda Johnson, who many will remember as the RFA Agent in Rosyth.

Hilda writes:-

It is concerning Paul Richard Manning who was a 1st Officer(X) with   the RFA and resigned at the end of March 1990, after a lengthy service.  His last position was in Earls Court London as the RFA Cadet Training Officer.  He left the  RFA Service to join Holman Fenwick and Williams in London who are Marine Lawyers. Paul put his  Merchant Navy expertise to good use and trained as a Lawyer. His work with this company took him to various parts of the world including Hong Kong, Dubai and Singapore.  In 2011 Paul made his home in Manila and this was where he passed away on 4thDecember 2013 after having a brain haemorage. Paul was born on 27th May 1952.

Paul is survived by his Son Marko age 23 who lives in Surbiton.

I worked in London at Earls Court for 6 ½ years and part of that time I worked alongside  Paul. Prior to working in London I was RFA Agent at Rosyth


On behalf of the RFA Association I offer our sincere condolences to all his family.

Chief Officer Jim Roe, First Officer Paul Manning and First Officer Cliff Lineker(?) seen here in RFA Tidespring


If you have a remembrance of Paul please email it to me at and I will post them on this page. I am also looking for photographs of Paul for this piece and the RFA Association Galery and Archive, If you have one please email it to me.