In my part of the UK , the Fylde Coast , there is no snow and we haven’t had any all winter but then this statement is no way to win friends. I do sympathise with those who are suffering our appalling weather and I certainly experienced it when I drove up to Pat Thompson’s remote home in February to help mail the year book out to our 600 plus members. The return drive along the mountainous A66 on one of this year’s spectacularly bad days can only be described as “interesting”. I was very relieved and perhaps lucky to get home.
Keeping in touch with members is very important to the Association and the Year Book is one of the ways we do this. We were relieved to get it posted out but slightly disappointed when we had to remove a few branch reunion pictures due to lack of space. Another way we keep in touch is via Gunline where the Association edits and produces its own 2 pages. Although we have not seen Gunline for some time I am assured by RFA HQ that it is not being ditched and that it is currently just running a little late. RFA now intend to produce 3 issues a year and we wish its new editor, Richard Lavender, God speed. The third way we keep in touch is by holding both local and national events and this year’s reunion dinner on Friday 24th May is scheduled to take place the same weekend as the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Atlantic . It should be a great weekend to be in Liverpool and the Liner Hotel have reserved more than enough rooms for us. Please if you are free on that Friday do come and join us; it will not be the same without you. You can download a booking form for those that need it here Reunion 2013 (38.61 kB). Our last means of keeping in touch is via this and our branch websites so we do hope you will keep an eye on them and keep up to date with our news.
Let’s hope we all have a good Easter and I look forward to seeing you on 24th May
Frank Andrews