Christmas Message from our Chairman
The Association has had an eventful year with a very full calendar of events. The Association standard has been paraded at the Merchant Navy Day at Tower Hill and again at the Annual National Service for Seafarers at St Paul’s Cathedral. Gordon Monks and Brian Taylor have done us proud and we should record our gratitude to them both. I have no doubt that the RFA colours will also be on show at various events on Remembrance Sunday too.
We have at last been able to present the Coull Memorial Award after a lapse of some years. 1/O Ed Read was the recipient and he was presented with the award in our own offices in Semaphore Tower. Commodore Rob Dorey was able to join us along with several of Ed’s friends. Next year we plan to write to all ships and ask for their individual Coull Award nominations. Immediately following this the trustees adjourned and we held a regular trustee meeting.
Recently two trustees have resigned and we are again very sorry to see them go. Nigel Jones and Pam Axworthy have served us well and we will miss their input at our meetings. I again have to record my thanks to Richard Williams and Steve Talbot who have not only continue to straighten our offices in Semaphore Tower but have managed to sell Christmas Cards which gives us both added storage space as well as boosting our finances.
Roger Robinson-Brown has commissioned a wonderful picture of RFA Tidespring at Grytviken which shows her role during Operation Paraquat. The original will go to the new RFA Tidespring currently being built in the Far East.
We have recently heard that our Seychelles Affiliates have been invited to meet the British High Commissioner, Lindsay Skoll, these members appeared to have enjoyed an alcoholic tea party where no tea was apparently served. It is good news great that the high Commissioner is recognising former RFA seafarers in this way.
On Behalf of the trustees of our Association I wish all our members, former and especially serving RFA personell (whether members or not), a very merry Christmas and happy and peaceful New Year, and to those still serving, and in sometimes very difficult and dangerous circumstances, a safe return home to your families and loved ones.