S&N News

John Roddis, seen here with his wife Angela, outgoing Chairman of the Scottish and Newcastle Branch writes,

Dear Colleagues,

RFAA Scottish & Newcastle Branch

In response to an on-going appeal, two members of the Scottish & Newcastle Branch have come forward to take over the Chair of this branch. They are Andrew Armstrong and Gill Forth and have proposed to do so in a unique way, which I feel solves to some extend the distance problem of our very large area. This was, previously, a bugbear when trying to establish suitable venues for our meetings.

Andrew hails from Dunoon, his wife Anne from Newcastle – a truly S & N team!- whilst Gill and her husband Phil live in Cleadon, near Sunderland. Both candidates are new to retirement and possess the necessary energy and boundless enthusiasm to carry the Branch forward. Both have a good reputation of keen involvement in all they do and both have a proven record of organisational skills. In other words they both meet the ideal requirements for the appointment, laid down earlier this year.



Two or three years ago a straw poll was cast following some members suggestion that the Branch should split into the Tyneside branch and the Scottish branch. This idea was thrown out as members did not want to be isolated from fellow members in what would be the ’other branch’. This suggestion is still not on the cards and will remain so for some time to come.

However, under the Scottish & Newcastle Branch umbrella it is proposed that Gill takes care of interests and events in her area south of the Border and likewise Andrew will be responsible for the Scottish scene. Both are very keen to maintain the status quo where Gill would arrange meetings for all S & N members in the Tyneside and Northumberland area and similarly Andrew would take care of events north of the Border, to the benefit of all Scottish & Newcastle Branch members . In effect, our lunches and type of venues will remain the same and take place four times throughout the year, whilst this policy will not stifle any innovations you, the members, may wish to see.

In making this announcement I would like to feel that the foregoing candidates and proposals meet with your approval. I am very happy to commend them to you and they will receive my full support and help should it be requested. I will not interfere!

This introduction will be my final public action before standing aside at the end of the years. If you have any comments or suggestions please let me have them as soon as possible. Meanwhile I retire back into my box to work on handover notes, with Angela and gather up the archives for handover. I am confident that they will both receive the same invaluable support from you that it has been my privilege to enjoy.

With every good wish to you all for a merry Christmas, a peaceful and prosperous New Year and a bright and happy future.

Kind regards

John Roddis