Martin Seymour reports that Ex RFA Radio Officer Roger Barlow, now resident in Chile, has been awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM overseas 2016 New Year list) for services to the Royal British Legion in Chile.
Roger left the RFA in the early seventies to pursue a career in the shipping agency industry firstly in South Africa and later in Chile.
I served with Roger, but forget which ship!, and met him and his family several times when he was in South Africa. That was in those lovely heady days when we used to do that sort of thing and visit wonderful places in the world. Roger tells me there was quite a large contingent of ex patriot British and Chilean men who fought for us in both World Wars, but there are few left now, and of those there are several cases that need welfare assistance from the RBL in Chile. It should be noted that the RBL in Chile operate alone, although being members of the RBL and all their fund raising is locally achieved.
BZ to Roger from the RFA Association

Martin Seymour, Mike Taylor, Jim Keller, John Briggs, Simon Tudor-Jones,
Roger Barlow, Angus Ross, John Shorter, John O’ Brien, Martin Glanville, Bob Knight