Force 4, our own “House Newsletter” is on the move. Up until now, and to keep costs down, we have only issued it electronically, which of course means that a third of the membership who neither have not have declared an email address, won’t get a copy.
This is particularly worrying to the Chairman and myself, “back at the ranch”, as communication with all our members is vital to keep the Association alive. Add to this that Gunline is becoming so infrequent as to be bordering on a “laugh a minute” something needed to be done. The nettle has been grasped and we have produced a hard copy edition of Force 4 which has been posted to all paid up members of the Association. We hope to make this a bi-annual publication and the “E-Edition” will continue to be published in the intervening quarters of the year giving us 4 editions per annum.
The first printed edition can be downloaded here, Force 4 Summer 2015 (814 kB) and earlier editions can be downloaded from this website HERE
Now to the usual editorial drip. Whilst we can normally find something to write about, and we have a couple of very welcome contributors (Mike Day, James (Yarpie) Smith, John Littlechild and George Mortimore) we are really really really looking for new correspondents. A dit, a photograph (from your days at sea in the RFA or an RFA passing your kitchen window as you enjoy a plate of “cheesy hammy eggie topside”, or more seriously, if one our old shomates crosses the bar, we may he able to help in these difficult family circumstances, you know what I mean). Frank, the Chairman and I do work hard to keep the RFA and the RFAA, past present and future, in the public eye but come on chaps and chapesses we do need some support. As ever do drop us a line at