E-FORCE4, AUTUMN 2018, SITREP 1 (410)

General News

Sitrep 1. Bit of a bummer this but we are curently experiencing some significant health issues at home which means I cannot devote the time needed to produce an e-Force 4 in the immediate future as planned. The good news is that I am nibbling away at this issue on an opportunity basis and intend to publish as soon as is practicable. Basically, I have the makings but don’t have the time to stitch them together. Do watch this space and I will issue another sitrep IDC.

Chaps and Chapesses

It’s absolutely ages since we had an e-Force 4 so I have been thinking it’s time the quill was dipped in the inkpot again.

Going back to the 2018 AGM those who attended will remember that I said I can’t invent stuff and also that I do need a hand with copy to make it a worthwhile publication.

So can any member come up with something for the next edition which I hope to e-publish shortly after Remembrance Sunday, (11th November this year) members dits would be especially welcome, so the deadlines are 1st November for dits and general stuff and 14th November for Remembrance Day photographs.

Also, it might be a good idea to for me to twist your arms to make sure that your email addresses, as declared to Dawn, (dawn@rfaa.uk) copy to me ( captain.pat@rfaa.uk ) are up to date otherwise you will not receive a copy.

Please give this plea some serious consideration or e-Force 4 will go the same way as Gunline, ie consigned to oblivion.

The photograph is of the Telegraph building in Fleet Street
(Delusions of Grandieur by me I suppose)