Are you a paid up member of the RFA Association?
Have you declared an up to date email address to Dawn, our membership secretary?
If the answer to both of those questions is YES you should have received the Christmas 2015 edition of Force 4, our in house “E” publication.
Also if the answer to both questions is YES do check your “Spam Box” as some internet providers get quite grumpy when it comes to recieving mail from email addreses that are not in your contacts list.
If you have checked the above and are still having problems please drop me an email at and I will endeavour to sort it out for you.
Lets get down to the bounces, when I sent this edition out I received a total of 24 bounces viz:-
3 Soft bounces, your spam settings, your inbox is full etc.
24 Hard Bounces
- Recipient email address does not exist, either you oe us have the wrong email details.
- Domain name does not exist, your provider has ceased to exist
- Recipient email server has completely blocked delivery, your email privider has turned hostile.
Of the 462 members on the e-mailing list 303 have opened it or 65%, not too bad and the item that was most downloaded was the “Colour Supplement” with some 542 downloads, thus far.
If you are a member of the RFA Association who hasn’t declared an active email address to us but would like to recieve a copy you know what to do. If you don’t want to declare your personal email address why not create a FREE gmail account or the like, note the word FREE then if you start getting unwelcome spam or the like delete it.
If you are not a member of the RFA Association but would like to recieve a copy of E-Force 4, and if you fulfill the membership criteria, why not join us. Have a shufti HERE.