Sitrep 1 :- Correction to date of funeral
It is with so much sadness I report that Chief Officer(X) John Bafico RFA(Retd) and member 0240 Crossed the Bar on Wednesday 22 August 2018 aged 70 after a battle with cancer. I have few details at the moment but have been in contact with his wife Margaret who will keep me informed and I will sitrep this page when appropriate.
John’s funeral will take place at at 13:30 on Friday 7th September at Boston Crematorium, (HERE for their website and HERE for a map)
The arrangements for John’s funeral are being made by F E Addllesea Boston (HERE for their website and HERE for a map)
On behalf of the RFA Association I offer our sincere condolences to to Margaret and all their family.

If you have any remembrances of John please email it to me at and I will post them on this page. I am also looking for photographs of John for this piece and the RFA Association Gallery and Archive, If you have one please email it to me.
Tributes and Remembrances:-
Pat Thompson writes:- I first met John and Margaret in 1973 when I relieved him in the old Bayleaf in Portland. Our paths crossed many times over the years, latterly at our RFA Reunions where he was a regular attendee and he was always good company for the lantern swinging. At the 2018 Reunion at the Liner Hotel, Liverpool, he did tell me that things were not going too well at all, healthwise as events have proven to be. Fair winds and following seas old shipmate, Duty done.