From Leo & Gail Patrick:- “Trying to contact (1st Officer or Navigating Officer) rtd. Richard Craig (wife Dawn-Penny) – last known address in Pembroke Dock area. Think he was harbourmaster after…
Gillian Robinson has written to our Facebook page asking :- “Is there anyone who knew Captain Herbert John Charles Wheatley,he was in the RFA on tankers?” If you can help…
Had enquiry from the Galashiels branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland. One of their members, Tom Cass, who was an Assistant Cook in RFA Wave Premier back in 1952…
Adrian Crotty is looking for QM R Griffiths, can you help. Having helped recently with an enquiry concerning a former RFA officer I would like to enlist your help again…
I have received the following email from Dennis (known as Jack) Poole:- Many thanks for your reply on Ships Nostalgia re trying to contact Mike Brodie. Please make allowance for a rapidly…
From Diane Cole:- “I am trying to trace Jake Sanders to invite him to the Ruby Wedding of myself and Captain Alfie Cole. They served in the RFA together. Jake…
I have had an email from someone looking for “Steve Hird”, from Bradford. He was in RFA Argus around 1986-1993 and was in Marchwood, Southampton and Portsmouth. The person looking…
Our Chairman has received a letter from Dr E. J.W. Jones regarding a June Reunion in London at the Naval Club London :- Reunion of Officers and Scientists: R.R.S. Discovery International Indian Ocean Expedition…
Ian Finlayson is looking for Ian John Oliver and writes…. “Ian John Oliver (John), last heard of as working as an engineer ! in the RFA. (its a long story).…