Sitrep 1 Funeral Arrangements
Sitrep 2 Photograph. (My thanks to Mike’s daughter for this).
Sitrep 3 Tributes.
It is with so much sadness I report that Captain(S) Michael (Mike) Otway RFA(Retd) Crossed the Bar aged 87 on Saturday 20th May 2017.
I have just been informed that Mike’s funeral will take place at 13:30 on Thursday 15th June at Saint Josephs RC Church, 58 Cromer Street Sherringham (HERE for their website and HERE for a map).
The arrangements are being made by Blyth and Son Funeral Services, Sherringham, Norfolk (HERE for their website and HERE for a map).
If you have any remembrances of Mike please email it to me at and I will post them on this page. I am also looking for photographs of Mike for this piece and the RFA Association Gallery and Archive, If you have one please email it to me.

Maxwell (Max) Parton writes:- I was very sad to hear about the passing of Mike. Even though I have not been in contact with him over the years I can look back with fond memories of the time we sailed together. Mike was the Assistant Catering Superintendent I believe we were standing by FORT GRANGE was being fitted out at Scotts on the Clyde. He was my Senior Purser later on the same vessel. I found Mike to be a true gentlemen in both meanings of the word. Very well respected by his peers and all who worked with him. God Bless you Mike.
Ian Thompson writes:- Such sad news to hear. I first sailed with Mike on RFA Engadine in 1975 and latterly on Fort Grange. He was a true gentleman with a wicked sense of humour and one of the ‘greats,’ in the RFA. A real loss, RIP Mike.
Tributes from Facebook
Ron Robbins Salute. Sad to learn that Mike Otway passed away last Saturday, after a short illness. Ron.
Vincent Nugent A very nice man.
Thurston Sargent Really good guy RIP Mike
Rex Cooper Very sad to hear this. A valued colleague in HQ, a safe pair of hands and a very nice man. Always will remember our joint trip to Chile in 1982 to hand over Tidepool and bring home the crew – I did the cheer-leading but Mike was there to keep a firm hand on the money and the interests of MOD and the Service. RIP.
Charlie Carmelo Brown RIP .
Peter Daniels So sorry. Sailed with Mike in 63. A true gentleman.
Roger Cox Sad news, met him on my first trip on Tarbatness, one of the best of his era RIP.
Alexander William Parker So sad a truly decent and honorable man. RIP.
Terry Gatenby A real Gentleman in Business and Friendship for a good number of years.Sad news.
Kenneth Nichols RIP Mike, a real gentleman
Martin Ellam One of natures Gentlemen. RIP Mike
Joe Gaffrey A very decent and efficient gentleman sadly missed.RIP
Gordon Gibb Sad to read this news. A kind hearted gentleman who inspired all he worked with. He never sought plaudits or kudos but just got on with the job working in the best interest of the service.
Alexander William Parker So true Gordon well said
Alexander William Parker A great role model to follow for all young Pursers.