(378) The Trustees Annual Report (TAR) 2014, the PROVISIONAL Minutes of the AGM and the Annual Accounts 2014 complete with the Independant Auditor’s Report are now available to dowload here.

The TAR TAR 2014 (156.14 kB)

Provisional Minutes 2014 AGM Minutes (1.7 MB)

The Accounts  Accounts and Audit 2014 (1.37 MB)

Nota Bene, The minutes available for download here are PROVISIONAL and will not become the official minutes until and if approved at the 2015 AGM.

This file has also been lodged with the Charities Commission for England and Wales and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.

The Trustees Annual Report and Audited Accounts along with the Chairman’s Annual Report will be presented to the membership of the RFA Association at the forthcoming AGM to be held at the China Fleet Club, Saltash on Saturday 16th May 2015, members are strongly encouraged to attend.

As ever you will need Adobe Acrobat Viewer to read them, the latest version can be downloaded free HERE.