AGM Matters
The 2015 AGM will be held at the China Fleet Club, Saltash, (The same venue as this year’s Annual Reunion) at 15:00 in the Pacific Suite, we would like as many fully paid up members as possible to attend and vote. If you cannot attend please make the effort to complete your voting forms and send them to Ian Thompson who, again, has kindly volunteered his services to act as the “Returning Officer”.
The documentation for the AGM including agenda and voting forms will be posted out very shortly and hopefully by 9th February. The annual Association Accounts are in the final stages of preparation for submission to the Independent Auditor and when the Audit is satisfactorily completed a downloadable copy will be made available on this website. A copy will also be submitted to the Charities Commission for England and Wales HERE and the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator HERE . If you don’t receive your documentation in the next couple of weeks please get in touch and we will send you another copy. Do remember, your vote really counts.
Included with this mailing will be the 2015/16 Yearbook and Member’s Handbook which should be delivered to us on Tuesday/Wednesday next week (3/4 February) so the timelines will be tight, please bear with us we will have them in the post to all members as quickly as possible.