First the good news…..the annual mailing including the Year Book went into the post this morning (Fri 14 Feb 2020).
The bad news is that It has been found that pages 17-32 (members details) are missing and some others are duplicated. This is the printer’s fault and the publisher has been made aware. After a random check of the remaining books we have, it is not common to all copies. Some are good and others not! In the first instance, if a member isn’t bothered about the members contact details and are happy to use last years book (there’s not been that many changes) to do so. If a member really wants a ‘good’ copy, they should email the Chair or Deputy Chair and we’ll post one. We can’t guarantee to replace every faulty book as we don’t know the scale of the issue and may not have enough good copies to go round.
Any inconvenience is regretted, but this is beyond the Association’s control.